Interior design for a listed tudor hotel
The Kings Court Hotel is in the heart of Shakespeare country and dates back to Tudor times. A major part of our design included a new glazed building with a feature rooflight which now links and improves flow through the spaces. As the Kings Court Hotel is a listed building, it was crucial to ensure that our contemporary design was appropriate for its heritage setting.

Alongside this, we helped the team give a fresh look to the reception area, lounge, restaurant, bar and included new external dining spaces. A new bar fitting, booths and illuminated wine stores now provide fantastic focal points.

Cool blues and golds
Cool blues and golds make up part of the new design scheme for the reception and lounge area and flow through to the brasserie, featuring in fabrics, wall finishes and lighting.
Commercial and operational
As ever, we delivered a design that looks great but also delivers commercially and operationally. The new design scheme has been hugely successful in attracting new customers and both business and leisure hotel guests.